Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Kickstarter project

I just launched my kickstarter's project!!

My plan is to turn 101 cat photos into 101 portraits and into a book.
My Goal is to raise $3000 to cover my expenses toward  this project such as art supplies, time spend on creating art works, rent and self publishing.

Depending on the amount of your pledge, I will send you back unique art works, book, prints,etc, as my appreciation to you generosity!!!!

Any extra fund will help me to continue my careers as a golfer and artist.

Please!!! I need you help! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and if you are interested in ordering custom work from me!


  1. Hi. I'm interested in getting some custom artwork from you. Can you send me your email and # as some of it would be easier to explain by phone.


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